
Tuesday 11 September 2012

Get Six Pack Abs Fast

I am sure you are reading this article because you want to learn the quickest way to get a six pack. I don't blame you, six packs are extremely good looking and the ladies will love you for having one! The good news is it is possible to get a six pack quickly, the bad news is the fact that you are going to have to work hard for it. I wish I could tell you that there was a magic wand you can wave and then you will simply have a six pack, but there isn't. It is going to take a lot of hard work, but if you believe in yourself then you can do it. Below are the three most common mistakes people make then they want to get abs. We will go into detail on how to correct these mistakes.
1-Focusing On Quantity Over Quality
When it comes to training your abs, I know it is really tempting to just do as many reps as you possibly can of each exercise and then go home. Trying to do as many reps as possible is good, but not when you are sacrificing the quality of the exercise.
When doing crunches 10 controlled crunches (meaning 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down) will get you better results than just doing 50 crunches really fast. The same is true for all your other exercises. You want to get in as many reps as possible but you need to make sure you are able to control the movement and save the quality.
2-Not Performing Cardio
I know it is easy to simply overlook the importance of cardio. When we want to get six pack abs we mostly just focus on our ab exercises. But one thing we often forget is that cardio can really help burn a lot of that stomach fat, and the less stomach fat you have the better your abs will look.
You don't need to spend hours every day doing cardio, but if you can find at least 20 minutes per day to go on a light jog or even just a walk you will be better off than not doing anything.
3-Not Setting Goals
Whenever people ask me what the most important thing is to getting a six pack, I always tell them to set goals. Goal setting will help you stay focused on your desires and motivate you. Whenever you are tempted to skip a workout or eat something that is not healthy for you, you can simply recall your goals and that will give you motivation to not eat it.

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